Nutrient management

Tools & Resources

6 Easy Steps
Sugar Research Australia (SRA)

The SIX EASY STEPS is a comprehensive, integrated and science-based nutrient management program that is recognised by industry and government as nutrient best practice. Itis the foundation of the Australian sugar industry’s nutrient and fertiliser guidelines.

Nutrient management guidelines
Sugar Research Australia (SRA)

Nutrient management guidelines for sugarcane in the Mackay district

Reef Regulations: Nitrogen and Phosphorus

The method for calculating the optimum amount of nitrogen and phosphorus to be applied to sugarcane properties regulated under the Environmental Protection Act 1994

Australian Sugarcane Nutrition Manual
Sugar Research Australia (SRA)

The manual is designed to be a practical guide and reference on most aspects of sugarcane nutrition.

Central Region Sugarcane Practice Management: ABCD Management Frameworks 2021-2022

Includes soil, nutrient, chemical, water, financial/business, WHS and harvest management frameworks for the Mackay Whitsunday region.

Project Catalyst: Variable nitrogen rate - Mackay 2020

Growers participating in Project Catalyst trials worked with economists from the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) to identify costs and benefits of the trials. In this study, grower Tony Bugeja and Farmacist trialled varied N (nitrogen) rates.

Case study
Project Catalyst: Staggered nitrogen rate - Mackay 2020
Catchment Solutions

Growers participating in Project Catalyst trials worked with economists from the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) to identify costs and benefits of the trials. In this study, John Muscat and DAF (assisted by Farmacist) trialed the application of varied Nitrogen (N) rates.

Case study
Project Catalyst: Legume fallow - Proserpine 2020
Catchment Solutions

Project Catalyst growers worked with economists from the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries to identify costs and benefits of their trials. In this study, Frank Clayton and Farmacist trialled a low-cost legume versus bare fallow strategy.

Case study
Smartcane BMP
Mackay Area Productivity Services (MAPS)

Smartcane BMP is a program for you to document and celebrate the way you farm. It includes eight modules with simple checklists to help identify opportunities for improvement, with local facilitators available to help put these in place.

Water Quality FAQs

This FAQ guide directly addresses common questions about pesticides and fertilisers, enabling sugarcane industry staff to confidently handle complex scientific questions and offer guidance to farmers.

BOM Youtube channel
Reef Catchments

In addition to the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) website and app, BOM also posts regular up-to-date informative videos on their YouTube Channel. These videos, created by BOM scientists and meteorologists, offer insights into weekly, monthly and severe weather forecasts.

Sugar Research Australia (SRA)

Select the right fertiliser blend

Legume N content calculator
Sugar Research Australia (SRA)

Estimate the nitrogen content of a legume crop

Irrigation Rapid Assessment Tool (i-RAT)
Reef Catchments

The i-RAT aims to assist growers in transforming how they manage and utilise their water resources. The online platform will allow growers to explore the impacts of changes to their irrigation management practices, balancing productivity improvements, farm economics and environmental outcomes.
