Land and water stewardship

Tools & Resources

6 Easy Steps

Sugar Research Australia (SRA)

A comprehensive, integrated and science-based nutrient management program that is recognised by industry and government as nutrient best practice.

Nutrient management guidelines

Sugar Research Australia (SRA)

Nutrient management guidelines for sugarcane in the Mackay district

Reef Regulations: Nitrogen and Phosphorus

The method for calculating the optimum amount of nitrogen and phosphorus to be applied to sugarcane properties regulated under the Environmental Protection Act 1994

Australian Sugarcane Nutrition Manual

Sugar Research Australia (SRA)

The manual is designed to be a practical guide and reference on most aspects of sugarcane nutrition.

Soil-Specific Nutrient Management Guidelines for Sugarcane Production in the Mackay District

Sugar Research Australia (SRA)

The booklet provides soil-specific nutrient management in the Mackay district.

Central Region Sugarcane Practice Management: ABCD Management Frameworks 2021-2022

Reef Catchments

This document provides updated information about best practice management frameworks and related water quality improvements across the region.

Reef Trust IV Mackay Whitsunday Streambank Erosion Program - 2022

Reef Catchments

Outcomes of the Reef Trust IV project aimed at reducing fine sediment loads entering The Great Barrier Reef

Project Catalyst: Subsurface mud ash - Mackay 2020

In this case study, grower Phil Deguara and Farmacist examined surface and subsurface application methods of Mill Mud (mud) and Ash on two demonstration plots.

Complementary crops in the sugarcane industry

Sugar Research Australia (SRA)

Information about complementary crops including regional suitability.

Break Crops information

Mackay Area Productivity Services (MAPS)

Information and ideas about using break crops in sugarcane fallow.

Cane Fallow Management

Mackay Area Productivity Services (MAPS)

Tips and examples to think about for cane fallow management.

Qld Riverine Protection Permit Exemption Requirements

The document outlines what activities landholders can undertake in waterways and how to apply for a permit if not covered by the exemption.

Smartcane BMP

Mackay Area Productivity Services (MAPS)

Smartcane BMP is a practical program for you to document and celebrate the way you farm.

Regenerating Soil with a Specialised Planter

Video story on Central Queensland Soil Health Systems using a funded seeder to sow a multi-species mix of plants into their paddocks, fallows and inter-rows.

Reef Trust IV – Streambank Remediation

Reef Catchments

Video story on how something like a wooden pile field act stops erosion.

GROWING LEGUME AND MIXED SPECIES FALLOW CROPS Growing legume and mixed species fallow crops in the Mackay Whitsunday region

What to consider to grow legume and mixed species fallow crops in the Mackay Whitsunday region.

QLD DAF Pesticides Factsheet

Checklist for using pesticides, including considerations for application, weather conditions, buffer zones and record keeping.

Water Quality FAQs

This FAQ guide directly addresses common questions about pesticides and fertilisers.

BOM video resources

Reef Catchments

In addition to the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) website and app, BOM also posts regular up-to-date informative videos on their YouTube Channel. These videos, created by BOM scientists and meteorologists, offer insights into weekly, monthly and severe weather forecasts.

Managing Pesticide Risk

This guide assists in better decision-making by providing a summary of different types of restrictions on a selection of agricultural chemicals.

Sugar Research Australia (SRA)

A web-based nutrient management tool to help develop nutrient management plans for use on-farm.

Soil Health Toolbox
Sugar Research Australia (SRA)

The toolbox provides practical resources for improved soil health.

Precision Planter for Loan
Sugar Research Australia (SRA)

SRA Mackay is supporting growers to trial growing complementary fallow crop soybeans using the SRA Precision Planter, which can plant through a trash blanket and cultivated ground.

Moisture probe for loan
Sugar Research Australia (SRA)

Information about installing a trial moisture probe on your farm.

Irrigation Rapid Assessment Tool (i-RAT)
Reef Catchments

Information about i-RAT, a web-based decision support tool that aims to assist growers in transforming how they manage and utilise their water resources.


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