
Tools & Resources

SRA Irrigation of Sugarcane Manual

Sugar Research Australia (SRA)

A comprehensive manual addressing irrigation, water quality, soil, irrigation systems, irrigation scheduling, improving irrigation efficiencies, drainage, economics and technical information.

Irrigation scheduling probes

Water Quality FAQs

This FAQ guide directly addresses common questions about pesticides and fertilisers.

BOM video resources

Reef Catchments

In addition to the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) website and app, BOM also posts regular up-to-date informative videos on their YouTube Channel. These videos, created by BOM scientists and meteorologists, offer insights into weekly, monthly and severe weather forecasts.

Irrigation record sheet
Mackay Area Productivity Services (MAPS)

Record keeping spreadsheet for Irrigation


A sugarcane irrigation scheduling tool

Irrigation Hydraulic Assessor (USQ)

A simple online graphical tool for calculating the friction and minor losses that occur in your irrigation mainline.

Sugar Research Australia (SRA)

This introduction to the CaneCalcs tool includes step-by-step instructions and shows how it can be a great starting point for calculating if your farm’s irrigation is profitable.

Irrigation Rapid Assessment Tool (i-RAT)
Reef Catchments

Information about i-RAT, a web-based decision support tool that aims to assist growers in transforming how they manage and utilise their water resources.