Project Catalyst

Project Catalyst’s primary purpose is to reduce the environmental footprint that Australia’s sugarcane production has on water quality and the Great Barrier Reef by accelerating the evolution and adoption of low-risk farming practices in the sugar industry.

Project Catalyst focuses on the identification and validation of cutting-edge sugarcane farming practices in line with “triple bottom line” sustainability principles of producing greater social, environmental and economic value. A key focus for sustainability considerations is water quality improvement via the development and extension of new farm practices.

Project aims are two-fold.  Firstly, the project assists growers to generate new farm practices, which are more effective and efficient in relation to the use of external inputs and natural resources.  Secondly, the project promotes and support the uptake of these and other practices on farms across the Mackay Whitsunday, Burdekin, and Wet Tropics regions.  In combination, this approach assists the Queensland cane growing industry to minimise the impact of farming on natural assets whilst maximising farm sustainability, production, and profitability.

Project Catalyst Magazine 2017

Project Catalyst Magazine 2020

Inspiring Innovation in Sustainable Sugar
Advancing innovation

Find out more about this project

Ross Neivandt
M: 0408 139 289 | P: 07 4968 4216


Catchment Solutions

Catchment Solutions is a Queensland based service provider, offering a range of specialised environmental services that combine technical expertise, innovation and collaboration to meet our client’s needs. Working closely with business and government across diverse industries, we provide tailored solutions for strategic environmental and commercial outcomes.

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Tools and resources

Project Catalyst: Legume fallow - Proserpine 2020

Project Catalyst growers worked with economists from the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries to identify costs and benefits of their trials. In this study, Frank Clayton and Farmacist trialled a low-cost legume versus bare fallow strategy.

Project Catalyst: Subsurface mud ash - Mackay 2020

Growers participating in Project Catalyst trials worked with economists from the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries to identify costs and benefits of the trials. In this study, grower Phil Deguara and Farmacist examined surface and subsurface application methods of Mill Mud (mud) and Ash on two demonstration plots.

Project Catalyst: Staggered nitrogen rate - Mackay 2020

Growers participating in Project Catalyst trials worked with economists from the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) to identify costs and benefits of the trials. In this study, John Muscat and DAF (assisted by Farmacist) trialed the application of varied Nitrogen (N) rates.

Project Catalyst: Variable nitrogen rate - Mackay 2020

Growers participating in Project Catalyst trials worked with economists from the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) to identify costs and benefits of the trials. In this study, grower Tony Bugeja and Farmacist trialled varied N (nitrogen) rates.